kombucha, probiotics, healthy beverages, healthy drinks, healthy living

What's All This Kombucha Hype About Anyway?

Fact or Fiction?

You may or may not have been following recent recommendations by A-list celebrities, who swear by an effervescent elixir that that gives you glowing skin, improved metabolism and even helps with weight loss. These claims might be over-stated, and as humans, I can understand the natural sceptism. Having done a bit of research, I will help substantiate these claims with scientific evidence to help you decide if kombucha is right for you.

Firstly, let’s talk about what’s so special about kombucha. For starters, it contains heaps of naturally occurring prebiotics and probiotics, antioxidants and vitamins C and B. These vitamins are responsible for fighting and protecting the body against pathogens. The benefits of these enzymes is significant in that they are supercharged. Drinking just a 150ml of kombucha a day can improve your quality of life and overall health.

The Science Behind Kombucha

Kombucha contains a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast. The yeast and bacteria found in kombucha has been reported to contain naturally occuring caffeine, which is the most important xanthine alkanoid. This stimulant found in tea, which forms the base of kombucha, creates cellulose production by the bacteria known as xylinium. This cellulose network enhances the association between the bacteria and yeast. The powerful symbiotic association and its by products have the ability to inhibit the growth of potential contaminating bacteria.

In summary, drinking kombucha will improve your immunity, digestion and there is further suggestions that kombucha can assist with many other issues associated to your skin, hair and even your diet. There have been reports that this elixir has cleared up the complexions of a fair few celebrities. They also claim kombucha is a miracle weight loss drink. The idea that kombucha assists with shedding pounds is not new, but has grown popular in the minds of true health fanatics and kombucha lovers. The notion that kombucha helps you lose weight is another benefit to drinking kombucha. This claim cannot be accurately proven, however, I can only use my personal experience with this zingy drink. In the beginning stages of drinking kombucha I had noticed improved digestion, which could be linked to my decreased BMI. However, it could also be put down to my naturally fast metabolism. Either way, I would put it down to my regular consumption of kombucha, as I only noticed a change to my weight (and my improved health) once I started drinking kombucha.

The Kombucha Trend

Another popular claim suggests that this powerful elixir is great for your hair. According to a number of kombucha drinkers, using kombucha topically can improve the health of your hair. The cellulose production suggests it increases hair cells so it regenerates or regrows the hair follicles. This claim has never been scientifically proven, but what was noted was that it left people with shinier, more glowing hair. In this way kombucha can improve your hair health, but I wouldn't bet on it. Urban legend or not, I decided to put it to the test on my own hair. Admittedly, I saw no real improvement other than my hair looking slightly healthier in the way of improved sheen, which could very well be a benefit of using kombucha to wash your hair.

To conclude, whether you drink kombucha for its many health benefits, or because you want a healthier alternative to soft drinks or alcohol, drinking kombucha definitely has its perks. Kombucha is an acquired taste that once accustomed to, can be highly addictive and extremely refreshing on any occasion. 

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