About Us

We’re a God fearing husband-and-wife team from Auckland with a passion for brewing fermented beverages that promote good gut health and better, healthier drinking habits. Having consumed sugary drinks in the past we decided there has to be a better way. We also found that many of these unhealthy habits resulted in digestive problems due to poor gut health. Our journey of discovering natural, traditional healing remedies opened up a world of self-healing, which led us to the discovery of kombucha and it's powerful healing properties.  

As we learnt more about the amazing health benefits of kombucha, it was just the beginning of a new venture into starting a small brewery of our own making healthy and delicious beverages. Little did we know we'd be concocting our home brews in a little commercial kitchen on the North Shore.

As the guinea pigs for our batch testing, we'd consumed so much kombucha that we literally felt alive inside. We finally found a natural, healthy drink we could have every day that had real health benefits.

Kombucha contains hundreds of billions of prebiotics and probiotics that are beneficial for maintaining an optimal micriobiome. Having made the discovery and learning about all the benefits of drinking this bubbly beverage, it's hard not to love kombucha. When it's as yummy as our buch, it's easy to fall in love with this effervescent elixir.

Fermented foods have changed our lives and ignited our passion for promoting gut-friendly food and beverages with functional benefits. We've put lots of love and positive energy into bringing you a healthy beverage that's not just nourishing and refreshing, but that's full of living probiotics to keep you and your gut happy.