What is Kombucha?

What Is Kombucha?

If you’re new to kombucha, it’s best to give you a bit of background into the origins of this little-known fermented drink, that is fast growing in popularity. Even though kombucha is not new, it is still unheard of in many parts of the world. The origins of the drink can be to traced as far back to when it was first brought to Japan around 415A.D. by a Korean Physician, Dr. Kombu, and who gave it the name kombucha. It was said to have “magical healing properties” as described by the people for its ability to rid people of their health problems. The ancient method of fermentation started gaining more interest because of its ability to cure people of their ailments. Then in the early 20th Century kombucha started appearing in Europe via trade routes to Russia, where it was known as kambucha and then in Germany as kombushwamm. Still, not much was really known about this ‘magical’ fermented drink. It was only until 1927 when Dr. Madaus revealed in his work ‘Biological Healing Art’ that he made mention of a ‘mushroom’ that was able to regenerate cellular walls. The mushroom that Dr. Madaus was referring to is actually a fungus scientifically called a SCOBY. An acronym for a "Symbiotic Colony of Bactria and Yeast". The unusual mushroom-like fungi is a living organism as a result of fermenting tea and sugar, and in which a ‘Mother’ is formed. This has affectionately been called a SCOBY as it is born from the 'Mother'. While fermenting over a number of days, a new SCOBY baby (essentially a culture) forms and the resulting drink is kombucha.

The Ingredients:

Kombucha is made by adding a culture (also known as a "SCOBY") to a sweetened, brewed tea. Many brands try to circumvent this natural process, but ISIKO is proud to do this the traditional way. ISIKO is Zulu for 'culture', which is the way authentic kombucha is made. We keep it real and as natural as possible to give you a lightly tart, yet deliciously bubbly kombucha.