Brewing Tips

Kombucha Brewing Tips

Tip #1 - The shape of your brewing vessel does matter

Kombucha thrives in an environment with a large surface area. Use a jar that has breathing room so it provides oxygen for the bacteria and yeast to grow. If your kombucha brew seems to be sluggish, try a wide jar.

Tip #2 - Kombucha loves warm environments

The yeast in kombucha loves warm temperatures so try increasing the environment you brew in to 20 degrees celcius and above.

Tip #3 Reuse the new scoby that forms for a better brew

The newest scoby to form above the old one is the scoby you should use because the newest scoby contains less yeast (the brown strands).

Tip #4 - For better results use the less yeasty portion of your starter liquid

Use the top portion of the previous brew as the starter for new brews. This is because the top portion contains more bacteria and less yeast.


Water Kefir Brewing Tips

Tip #1 - Give the water kefir adequate time

When acquiring your grains, there may be an adjustment period as the grains get used to their new environment.

Tip #2 - Persistence pays off

At first your water kefir may smell foul, this is just your grains adjusting to its new environment. The adjustment period can be anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

Tip #3 - Feed your water kefir grains regularly

Change out your sugar water every 24 to 48hrs so your grains don't starve. To rejuvinate your grains, add a handful of raisins to your next brew to keep them healthy. 

Tip #4There is no need to keep your water kefir grains cool

The ideal environment for water kefir is at room temperature so you can just put it on the kitchen counter. However it is best served chilled.